If you’re missing most or all of your teeth, you may be surprised to hear that tens of millions of Americans are in a similar situation. While dentures can be affordable and look and feel better than ever, they don’t offer the same benefits that come with implant dentures. Whether you are tired of your existing denture or don’t want to settle for a traditional option, give the team at Nu Dental Eatontown a call to schedule a consultation and determine if implant dentures are right for you!
An implant denture looks similar to a traditional denture with one key difference: the prosthetic attaches to a series of dental implants surgically placed inside of the jaw. This is dramatically different than how dentures typically stay in place (i.e. through natural suction to the gums). The implants are designed to mimic the tooth roots as closely as possible. As a result, your tooth replacement feels more natural, lifelike, and functional, whether you’re eating, speaking, or smiling.
Depending on your needs and preferences, you can have your implant denture be removable or fixed. Below, you can read more about the differences ahead of your consultation.
A fixed implant denture is meant to stay attached permanently, whether you’re performing oral hygiene at home or receiving a cleaning at a dental office. If it does require removal, it would only be taken out by a dentist. In most cases, four to six dental implants are needed to hold a fixed denture, which means you’ll need more jawbone density to receive this option.
A denture that’s designed to be removable or “snap-on” to dental implants is generally easier to clean and requires fewer dental implants to attach. If you prefer a denture that feels more traditional and only needs about two to five implants, then this may be a better solution for your tooth loss.
Dr. G places and restores dental implants all in-house, so you can expect your dental implant treatment to be more convenient to complete. The process is broken into four specific categories: initial consultation, implant surgery, osseointegration, and restoration. After planning your treatment, we’ll get you scheduled for surgery where the implants will be placed inside of the jaw. After the gum tissue is stitched closed, we’ll allow four to six months for the implants to fuse with your bone tissue. Following a series of follow-up appointments, you’ll be scheduled to receive your permanent restoration.
More adults are eligible for implant dentures than ever, but there are certain qualifications you’ll need to meet to receive them confidently. After discussing your specific goals, we’ll confirm you have the following:
By opting for implant dentures over a traditional option, you’ll experience many benefits that you won’t find from the latter. For example, you can expect: